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Product Delivery

How to implement Agile methods to bring your projects to life under time, budgetary and skill constraints.


Communication Race

Experience communication, collaboration, and leadership in a team by letting individuals collaboratively follow a circuit using a single pen by pulling strings.

60 Minutes

1 Team (5-10 participants)


Scrum Standup from Hell

Practice standup meetings with a dysfunctional one.

15-20 Minutes

min. 1 Team (6-8 participants)


The Herculean Doughnut

Learn about roles and responsibilities across team, Product Owner and Scrum Master.

60-90 Minutes

1 Team


Test Driven Drawing

Understand how the Product Owner’s ability to describe features leads to better results. Learn about different possible interpretations and good and bad styles of test.

Min. 45 Minutes

At least 2 to 3 pairs of 2 Participants each


99 Test Balloons

Learn about acceptance criteria, their definition, and customer communication.

30 Minutes

min. 2 Teams



Understand the basic Scrum process. Why are iterations, planning, and Product Owner communication important?

60 Minutes

min. 1 Team (3-5 participants)


The Risk is in the Blocks

Learn and conduct a risk assessment using Jenga blocks.

min. 120 Minutes

1 Team


Mission to Mars

Learn basic agile practices including the planning process in iterative software development.

60 Minutes

min. 1 Team (2-4 participants)


XP Planning Game

Experience and learn: (1) negotiate an iteration plan, (2) use velocity to measure and make a predictable schedule.

180 Minutes

min. 1 Team (5-8 Participants)


Three Projects, Three Experiments

Understand high performing teams by focusing on people utilization (instead of completing projects early), continuous partial attention, effect of lack of face-to-face communication, limiting work-in-progress.

X Minutes

1 Team (7 participants each)


The Marshmallow Challenge

Learn about how iterations help to identify the assumptions in the project, its cost and duration and the real customer needs.

18 Minutes

min. 2 Teams



Understand the advantages of iterative planning vs. all-up-front planning.

15-30 Minutes

min. 2 Teams (with 1 participants each)


Scrum Simulation

Learn about Scrum and its basic meeting types: Backlog grooming, Sprint planning, Daily Scrum, Sprint review, Sprint retrospective.

90 Minutes

min. 1 Team (up to 7 participants each)



Learn about communication, lack of negotiation and requirements clarity using the game of Chinese Whispers.

20 Minutes

1 Team (5+ participants)


Knowledge Sharing Exercise

Learn about Tayloristic vs. Agile knowledge sharing.

XXXXX Minutes



Play Doh Zoo

Understand the reasons behind agile, and the principles that the methodology is built on. Specifically targeted at designers and aims to highlight the benefits of agile, and illustrate how design activities can occur in an agile environment. This game is designed for a large number of people 50-150.

min. 60 Minutes

min. 2 Teams (with 1 participants each)


Lean Lego Simulation

Learn about the importance of continuous flow.

90-180 Minutes

4 Teams


52 Card Pickup

Learn about how the basic practices such as iteration planning, iteration review, and retrospective can help teams to self-organize.

30 Minutes

min. 2 Teams (at least 3 participants each)

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